Thursday, August 6, 2009

Coming Back....

I've been gone for a few...months. It happens.
Sometimes you need to step away from all the distractions and the hobbies and the busy to find perspective. To find yourself. To listen to your own thoughts. All the things that we think define us causes us to be lost.
Well, I'm BLANK.
I was last seen in utter turmoil... Unable to decide what my calling was in life. What i should do and what i wanted to do left me torn and chained. That's when i disappeared.....
It's the best thing I've done in a long time though, as of right now, I still don't know what the hell is going on...For once I feel free...I feel like I've started over and I can paint my life however I want.
It's beautiful.
I have now emerged the same person I've always been but with a different understanding of what it means to be who i am. I have come to terms with my choices and my potential career. I've fallen in love with the perfect unexpected stranger and fallen out of love with those I was comfortable and complacent. I let go completely of responsibility only to find she has attached herself to me and shes not going far. So i took a deep breath and let her in. And the best part now is....I'm writing again when for months I forgot that this was my only lifeline for years. but now, I'm home again.
